Saturday, November 7, 2015


“The foetus is not yet a human being because it cannot survive outside the uterus on its own. Abortion should not be considered murder if the foetus is not self-sustaining and requires the mother’s body and physical resources to survive”. I don’t agree with this statement, because I believe that Abortion is the direct act of killing a human being, which is immoral and should be illegal.

Firstly, we must know that the procedure of abortion is very dangerous, this is because as abortions are illegal in many countries, people decide to go to clandestine places. These locations are commonly unsafe and don´t have the necessary equipment to do the abortion on a safer way. The malpractice of this surgery can cause plenty of diseases such as breast cancer, depression, a pelvic inflammatory disease, and can also kill the patient. The unsafe location where most women with limited resources have to abort their babies are unsanitary, dirty and do not guarantee an optimal operation. 

The unborn baby's heart starts beating at the 20th day and the brain gives off brainwaves at the 40th day. This means that the foetus is actually alive. Considering this, the act of abortion completely denies the right to experience the world and the most important one, of life. (Actually, given the fact that the foetus is alive and that we don’t have the right to take someone else’s life abortion is completely unethical.

Another thing about abortion is that many women are using it as a form of contraception; this means that they don’t use any kind protection or aren’t informed about the diseases and consequences that can cause unsafe sex. Instead of protecting themselves or looking for information they just do it and if they end up pregnant, they abort the baby as if it was a waste, an object, or just another method to avoid pregnancy.

There are other safer solutions to solve the pregnancy problem: adoption. By doing this you don’t only give your baby the chance to have a live and its own liberty, but you also give an infertile couple the possibility of having their chance to be parents. In my opinion, this would be the best solution in case you don’t want to keep the baby, because everybody ends up winning. 

In conclusion, I believe that abortion shouldn't be legal in any country, because, if we accept this, it would be as if we were allowing the murdering of millions of innocent children that do not deserve to be treated like they have no rights. This method is completely unjustified because not only can it cause plenty of damage to the mother, but also, because there are other ways to solve the problem of an unwanted pregnancy, by adoption. Every child has the right to live and taking that right away is something that nobody should be allowed to do, no matter what.

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