Saturday, June 20, 2015

"Should Death Penalty be abolished?"


Capital punishment is the act of killing a criminal for his/her crimes. This has been used throughout many centuries, but it is not legalized in every country they don’t believe is the best solution. Death penalty is accepted in China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, United States, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Japan and Vietnam. The most frequent kind of executions are, the electric chair, lethal injections, shooting, hanging, or gas chamber.

In my opinion, this should not be legalized in Argentina, because it is clearly not the best solution. If a criminal has committed a terrible crime such as murder he/she should sentenced to life in prison without parole. Also, death sentence it is not accepted by most of the population and, almost every country in South and North America (except USA) had abandoned capital punishment in law or in practice. This method, even though it is a tough punishment does not deter people from committing crimes, there are some states without death penalty that have lower murder rates than other states who allowed death penalty.

Taking someone’s life is considered a violation to the most important human right, capital punishment infringe this right because it involves torture, cruelty and it is also inhumane and degrading. It is also against every religion and is considered immoral. Death penalty is usually biased against the poor and people from other ethnics, your race and the place where you are determinates whether if you live or you die.

Another reason is that there has and always be cases of executions of innocent people, no matter how good the justice system is in each country. Death penalty is irreversible and we shouldn’t be taking any chances. Finally, this method is a very expensive one, and the government would save $9 million annually if death penalties were eliminated.

In conclusion Capita Punishment is inhuman, irreversible, irreparable, and cruel, that is why this shouldn’t be allowed in any country.


R1    It is inhuman

R2   Justice could sentence an innocent man

R3   It is expensive

                    Capital punishment should be abolished

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