Thursday, May 30, 2013

Stop Motion - Frances

Como pudieron ver en la anterior entrada en francés estuvimos trabajando sobre la vida cotidiana. En este caso tuvimos que hacer una presentación acerca de tu vida cotidiana o la vida cotidiana de un personaje imaginativo. Este trabaja fue grupal, en este caso me toco estar con Tomas. Con el decidimos hacer un Stop Motion, para esto estuvimos trabajando con un programa llamado Imotion HD. En total sacamos 800 fotos que fueron agrupadas automáticamente por este programa, una vez teniendo este vídeo fue subido a una computadora. Luego, se lo subió al programa Dropbox. Con en este, se pudo trabajar en distintos lugares. Una vez teniéndolo el vídeo se lo tuvo que descargar de Dropbox para trabajar. El siguiente paso fue convertir el vídeo(con el formato AVI) para que sea compatible con la computadora. Una vez teniendo el vídeo se hizo una grabación para acompañarlo con el vídeo, explicando las imágenes. Este fue grabado por un celular, una vez teniéndolo se lo descargo a la computadora, pero para trabajar con él, se lo tuvo que convertir (con el formato MP3 ò WAV). Al terminar todo esto (el audio y el vídeo) se uso Movie Marker para juntar todo y que quede terminado, para juntar todo y que quede terminado, pero tambien se uso una canciòn para acompañarlo en los momentos de silencio en el vídeo.

Friday, May 10, 2013

My greatest ambition

Oh my God, my son has published his first comic strip! In a very famous magazine here in Australia. I´m so proud of him, I can’t believe it, he has a lot of imagination, just like his mother, of course. He is a very intelligent boy, he´s not like his father, always making jokes and just worrying about money. With every thing he wanted to do, I will help him, because I´m such a great mother. I don´t think about money all the time, but now we are going to be rich; I am going to be rich. And then I will shove it in all my friends’ face that thought that my son was a fool, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They will be so jealous, I´m so exiting. Wait, this is not just money... It´s about my lovely son, that one day will be a very important comic strip artist. I´m very happy and sad at the same time, because he´s my little boy and now he have a job! And he wears suits! I´m not prepared for that, he is only thirteen years old! He will always be my cute baby. Since he sent that letter to the magazine, he never kissed me or wishes me sweet dreams! Poor sweetheart, he is going to grown up to soon, and what if he is not prepared for that? I wouldn´t be at 13... But he´s stronger that me so I hope he can handle this. Well this is his wish he will become a comic star and everybody will like to take a photo with him. I will phone my mom, my dad, everybody to tell them that my favorite son will publish a comic. They would be so proud, but not as much as me. Well I´m going to talk with my husband to make him realize that he has a great son and that he can´t make fun of his decisions. If he keeps doing that my son will abandon his dreams because his silly father makes fun of him all the time