Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mount St. Helens

This is another prezi of a volcano

Volstead Act

This is the prezi that I did with some friend for a project of history

Diary Entry

     *Day:  July 12, 2010
    *A bad brithday party

July 12, 2010
Yesterday it was my best friend brithday party. The food was good, but I get very bored in the entertained part. The person that was in charged of the music was her father. He didn’t know about modern music. And while we’re playing with my playback game he dropped the juice in the X-BOX and he broke it. In the next two hours we stay in our sits waiting to go home. Kathy, my best friend, was crying in the bathroom ‘because she knew that her birthday was a complete disaster, she was very angry with her dad, she knew that it would be better if she hired a good disjokey. I’ll never forgot this boring and bad party.

School report

* To: Newlands school
*      From: 2nd year
*      Date: June 2, 2012
*      Subject: to asses the school facilities.

Report of Newlands sport field
The aim of this report is to asses the school sport facilities of Newlands field. We observed in detail the place and we found some advantages and disadvantages.
*      It is very big.
*      It has lots of trees.
*      The toilets are complete and with shelters.
*      There is a parking.
*      There is a kincho to protect students from the rain.

*      It needs a roof.
*      A kiosk.
*      A bigger kincho to protect students from the rain.
*      Some showers.
*      More employers.
*      A rest-bar.
In conclusion, is a good place but it would be better with some arrangements

Sujata Bthatt Diarys

Dear diary,
                  My feelings at these moments are worse that I had imagined. I had never met people so bad as British. They took us every thing we love, our religion, our culture, our belief. In conclusion, EVERYTHING.
                I think about our future children, they will learn British culture, not Indian, they will speak English, they will dress like them. They will consider us rare and they will tell us that our way of life is antiquate and unfashionable. Instead of fell proud we will fell dishonored. I will not accept this way of life, my son will only study what I believe is correct. And if I go to jail just because having an own culture I will go with honor. 84
               I would like to intervene in something useful to maintain the culture of our ancestors. But I am just a writer; my only way to help is to write what I feel. The more people know about this situation, much farther my preaches will go. 
             I want to show to my people that the process of British colonization in India will destroy our souls. We have to stay together and think about how the Indians can fight against the colonizers. We are smart people, we have a strong culture. With Ganesh in our hands the victory will be possible.
I hope this catastrophe end soon
Sujata Bthatt.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

♫Todos los soles mienten♫

Esta historia trata de un grupo de amigos que viven en un ambiente en nuestro planeta en un futuro remoto muy complicado, un ambiente contra-utópico en la que las personas mas importantes de todo el mundo intentan apagar el sol. Así la gente se muere y hay menos gente en la tierra. Mientras los niños tratan de sobrevivir a estas temperaturas son obligados a matar ratas.

Esta historia me pareció interesante e imaginativo porque a mi no se me ocurriría eso y también interesante porque nunca leo u libro parecido. Cuando leía la novela quería leer mas para ver como seguía la historia.Los personajes me parecieron buenos y algunos de mas porque no tenían dialogo. Y el final me pareció muy común,porque toda historia triste terminara así. Yo esperaba un cuento no muy interesante y un poco aburrido por el nombre, pero al final resulto bueno. Yo cambiaría los apellidos de los personajes porque aveces me mareaba. Yo recomendaría una portada mas creativa porque sigo sin entender de que es.